Olympic Dreaming

18 May by Mike Hayes

Olympic Dreaming

Will they? Won’t they? It’s really is anyone’s guess at this point.

We’re 66 days out from the Opening Ceremonies and there’s likely been a lot of work done in planning and contingency planning, AND back up planning.

There’s no doubt that there is a considerable body of knowledge developing on how to make these games work. In North America, many professional sports associations including the NFL, the NBA, the NHL and, to a lesser extent MLB, have figured out how to run their seasons with COVID protocols, flexibility in the schedules and contingency planning.

The Olympics, however, are different. The sheer logistics of bringing athletes and contingents of many different sizes into Tokyo from all over the world, is a huge challenge. 

Can it be done? I have no doubt that there are a lot of smart people working through all of the possibilities.

Shouldn’t be done? This is one question well where there are likely polarizing answers. On one hand, we have to feel for the athletes that have committed so much time in training and preparation to fulfil their Olympic dreams. Additionally, we could probably all use a little bit of a break from the COVID routine, and, the Olympic spectacle never seems to disappoint.

On the other hand, there is far too much death and destruction around the world that simply can’t be ignored. It is a human tragedy.

These musings on the Olympics, were brought on by recent trip down memory lane, from our time protecting the official merchandise of the Sydney 2000 Olympic games.

Several years later, in 2010, we had the pleasure to pitch a novel idea to the Vancouver 2010 winter games. It was a pretty cool application that embedded colour changing ink into the official merchandise tags. We have to put up props to our partner, Avery Dennison RBIS, for putting together some stellar samples to demonstrate the technology, and the strength of the DNA Matrix™.

Alas, the 2010 Olympic program went on to use holograms for their security device, and would not reach the same level of success as the Sydney 2000 games for anti-counterfeiting and revenue protection.

My personal hope is that the Olympics games go on, if only to fulfil the original tenants of the competition:

The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.

In the meantime, if you’d like to see how the Sydney 2000 Olympic games worked so well, click here send us your email, and will send you a great video from the event.

If you’d like to discuss how your brand name Apparel & Footwear could benefit from the power of the DNA Matrix™, please reach out to me directly at mhayes@